Piet Demeester

Piet Demeester is full professor in the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at Ghent University (UGent). He is director of the IDLab-Department, part of imec and of Ghent University / University of Antwerp.

Piet Demeester received an MSc degree in Electrical Engineering from Ghent University in 1984.  He finished his PhD “Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy for photonic devices” in 1988 and established a research group in this area working on different material systems (AlGaAs, InGaAsP, GaN). This research was successfully transferred to IMEC in 2002 and resulted in 12 PhDs and 300 publications in international journals and conference proceedings.

In 1992 Piet Demeester started research on communication networks and established the IBCN research group that gradually expanded its research activities in the areas of  fixed and wireless subsystems and networks, cloud computing,  distributed intelligence and machine learning. Also iLab.t was established: a research infrastructure that plays a key role in local and international research. In 2016 this research group was merged with two other research groups (DSLab – Ghent University and MOSAIC  - University of Antwerp) to form the new research group IDLab (Internet Technology and Data Science Lab) that counts about 350 researchers and is focussing on the following key areas : electromagnetics and high speed circuit design, wireless networks, fixed networks, cloud and big data infrastructures, multimedia processing, semantic intelligence, machine learning & data mining, AI for robotics and IoT.

Piet Demeester was chair of the ERC consolidator panel “PE7–Systems and Communication Engineering” (2013-2015-2017). He was associate editor of the IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technologies and of the IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. He also chaired multiple conferences, a.o.: ECOC, IEEE SmartGridComm, DRCN, IEEE/IFIP IM, ESWN, AIMS.

Piet Demeester became fellow of the IEEE in 2009 for “contributions to optical communication networks and technologies”. Piet Demeester holds an ERC Advanced Grant “ATTO: Ultra High Capacity Wireless Networking” (2017 – 2021).



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