We won the Best Paper award for the paper 'Test-time Specialization of Dynamic Neural Networks' at the CVPR 2024 Workshop on Test-Time Adaptation.
Authors: Sam Leroux, Dewant Katare, Aaron Yi Ding, Pieter Simoens
About CVPR 2024
The IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR) is the premier annual computer vision event comprising the main conference and several co-located workshops and short courses.
The workshop on Test-Time Adaptation is one of the workshops of CVPR 2024.
About the paper topic
In recent years there has been a notable increase in the size of commonly used image classification models. This growth has empowered models to recognize thousands of diverse object types. However their computational demands pose significant challenges especially when deploying them on resource-constrained edge devices. In many use cases where a model is deployed on an edge device only a small subset of the classes will ever be observed by a given model instance. Our proposed test-time specialization of dynamic neural networks allows these models to become faster at recognizing the classes that are observed frequently while maintaining the ability to recognize all other classes albeit slightly less efficient. We benchmark our approach on a real-world edge device obtaining significant speedups compared to the baseline model without test-time adaptation.